Clubs & Organizations
American Legion
American Legion Post 285, located at 101 Colfax, Parkersburg, Iowa, is one of the most active posts in all of the Third District. Membership in 2012 was 165 members. The regular monthly meeting is held on the fourth Saturday of each month, from 7:30 to 8:30 AM., and is held at the Veteran's Memorial Building.
On the fourth Sunday of each month, the Legion, Legion Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion host a Breakfast Brunch from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The brunch is attended regularly by more than 400 people.
The American Legion Post 285 (also know as the Veterans Memorial Building) is available for rent. If you are interested in renting the building, please call Parkersburg City Hall at 319-346-2262 or click here for reservation information.
The American Legion Auxiliary
The Parkersburg American Legion was chartered in 1921 and today has 63 members. Our goal is to increase membership. Any person having a family member as a Veteran is eligible. Our Legion Auxiliary meets at 12:30 PM at the Vets Building on the third Tuesday of each month. We wrap silverware and make fruit cups before the meeting begins.
Our President, Esther Schipper, can be reached at 319-346-2410.
A few of our projects are:
- Award 2 yearly scholarships to local students through A/P Dollars for Scholars.
- Provide monetary funds to our local veterans, when needed for medical reasons, support the Avenue of Flags.
- Provide treats and financial help for our veterans at the Marshalltown Veterans Home.
- Donate to various Veterans Projects in the community.
- Support and work with the Legion for the monthly breakfast. We make and provide the fruit cups.
- We visit the 6th grade school classes and present a Poppy Program each year.
- We donate to our WWII veterans trip to Washington DC.
Lions Club:
The Parkersburg Lions Club is a local service club affiliated with the World Lions Club International Organization, which was founded in the United States in 1917 by Melvin Jones, a Chicago businessman. Today, worldwide there are over 43,811 clubs and 1,428,000 members in 151 countries.
The underlying principle of Lionism is based on involvement in providing assistance to the sick, the needy and the less fortunate and a willingness to take an active role in community leadership. Melvin Jones' idea has developed into a worldwide expression of what individuals, properly motivated, can do in providing unselfish service to their communities, their nations and their fellow man. Parkersburg Lions Club was chartered in 1978 and today has 35 active members. A few of our past/present projects include:
- Awarding four yearly scholarships to local students/citizens through the Aplington-Parkersburg Dollars for Scholars Program.
- Providing eyeglasses to local school children needing assistance.
- Providing and delivering Christmas sacks for shut-ins and elderly.
- Making available through a local loan closet wheelchairs, walkers, beds, and other specialty medical equipment to local citizens.
- Support for the Leader Dog Program for the blind, which annually helps nearly 300 adults gain independence and safe mobility through this program started in 1939. Lions purchased a puppy named Sadie and get letters and pictures each month from the prisoner who is raising her.
- Contributing funds toward new fire station/building in Parkersburg.
- Donation to Veterans building project.
- Construction of bandstand in Rotary Park.
- Contribute to the Legion Parking Lot Fund.
- Working with the Rotary Club, we are restoring the buildings and area of the Depot Park.
- We display and sell mints at the local Banks and several other businesses.
- We sell Teri Lynn Nuts and Candies at the Legions monthly breakfast and they are also sold at the local Banks.
- We've had a Duck Race for the past 10 years. This is our main fundraiser, and it is held during Parkersburg Days.
The Lions Club meets every second Tuesday evening at 6:30 PM for a "catered meal" and meeting. This monthly meeting is held at the Parkersburg United Methodist Church, which is located at 502 Florence Street, Parkersburg, IA.
Contact Info: Kate Humphrey, 319-346-1591.
Historical Society:
The Parkersburg Historical Society was formed in 1970 to preserve the C.C. Wolf Mansion that was built in 1895, as a wedding present to C.C. Wolf and Mary Wilson Wolf. The home is on the National Historic Registry. Tours are available from Memorial Day through Labor Day on Sundays from 1-3 PM. Tours are also available upon request.
Donations are accepted. Please contact Becky Thorne at 319-231-0079 for more information.
Learn more about the C.C. Wolf Mansion Historical Home
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A-P FFA Alumni & Supporters Chapter:
The Aplington-Parkersburg FFA Alumni and Supporters was chartered in 2020 and exists to support our local Ag Sciences department and FFA Chapter members. A few of the ways our alumni chapter is involved and sets out to support youth is as follows:.png)
- Assist in providing scholarships or other monetary donations to aid in the purchase of student pins, travel expenses, banquet needs, or any other case by case local need.
- Serves as an advisory council towards the betterment of Agricultural Education in the Aplington-Parkersburg School District and surrounding areas.
- Chaperone events, provide experience and expert advice to the local Ag Educator in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) content standards.
- Act as a classroom and lab resource. Additionally share time, talent and resources towards FFA events/functions, judges for rotating sub-district and district competitions.
- Assist the teacher in promoting agricultural education and/or FFA program impacts/successes to internal and external stakeholders.
- Aid in the development of business cases for creation, continuation or expansion of agricultural education and/or FFA programs.
- Help to support a strong work-life balance for teachers by providing assistance as needed.
- Develop program goals with school officials.
The Chapter officers meet monthly and the assembly meets quarterly to conduct business. Questions of how to join or support FFA contact Jeff Mohwinkle at (319)-240-7140