Council: Urgent need for ambulance crew Pickleball courts in the works
on Friday, August 9, 2019
At the Parkersburg Council meeting on Monday, August 5, the council discussed an urgent need for drivers and EMTs for the Parkersburg ambulance crew and received an update on fundraising for new pickleball courts.
Parkersburg ambulance in need of volunteers
Following an EMT's resignation last week, there are now nine on-call EMTs, and 10 EMTs total in the ambulance service.
City Clerk Chris Luhring provides the on-ly consistent daytime EMT coverage.
"During the day-time, it's scary. If Chris is gone, there is nobody," said EMS crew chief Shannon Rot-tinghaus.
And even with Luhring in town, it's a struggle to find a crew.
Story by: Bethany Carson
Read more at the Eclipse News-Review.